Sylwia Kijewska, M.A.


Sworn Translator of English

Oral translations

I execute various interpreting projects, including simultaneous, consecutive, via phone or during trips.

Written translations

I perform certified translations, English – Polish, Polish – English, on the basis of a Sworn Translator’s Licence no.TP/1553/05.

Specialist translations

I have a vast experience in translations of specialist document in many areas of knowledge.

Lancelot Translation Office


At present, there are many companies available which offer translations into and from the English language.

Taking into account the situation, it is very difficult to make a good choice. Entrusting the translation to an inexperienced person and, consequently, a wrongly translated text may lead to pitiful results.

That is why it is worth to put attention to the quality of services to be provided and relevant experience.

Lancelot Translation Office was opened in 1996 and it has got rich and various translation experience in many areas of knowledge, starting from translations of legal, medical and administrative documents, and finishing with technical texts.

I perform certified translations, commonly called “sworn” translations, from and into English, on the basis of a Sworn Translator’s Licence granted by the President of the Regional Court in Gliwice in 2001 and, currently, basing on the entry into the Register of Sworn Translators kept by the Ministry of Justice no. TP/1553/05.

Since 2018, I have a qualified electronic signature and can accept orders for translations / verifications certified with such a signature.

In times of pandemics and limited access to offices, such a service has become more popular, not least because there are no territorial restrictions in such mode and it saves time sending traditionally stamped documents by post or courier. In addition, there is also the ecological aspect, which is no less important.

My working resources include the use of the latest versions of CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) software, which support the translation process and quality control, e.g. by maintaining a consistent vocabulary in larger projects. I mainly use Trados Studio 2021 tool.

I have got excellent linguistic skills and acquired standards of cooperation, thanks to which we can provide efficient and high quality translations. A wide list of thousands of translations performed so far enables us to shift skilfully through documents with different linguistic registers and specialisations, including official, court-related, medical, trade-specific or business language.

I am aware that provided documents are of various nature, including confidential ones, consequently, I take care of the atmosphere of mutual confidence. I use adequate procedures to ensure safety of data and relevant confidentiality.

I make professional translations from and into English, devoting out attention to precisely preserve the accurate meaning of the text or oral statement, maintaining its essence and intention. I constantly extend my competences, familiarising with the culture, customs, traditions and mentality of citizens form English-speaking countries.  You may read more about my journeys here>>.

Taking into account legal, financial or ethical consequences related to specialist translations, I ensure a two-stage verification of our translations, aiming to eliminate any possible mistakes. Such verification is performed in several planes of compliance:

  • correctness of translation from a source language,
  • completeness of translation,
  • stylistic correctness and uniformity,
  • correctness of used trade-specific vocabulary.

When required, I ask other translators or native-speakers for verification, or consult relevant specialist.

I also cooperate with sworn translators of other languages (Italian, French, German).

I always have a valid third party professional liability insurance that ensure an additional guarantee of quality and safety.

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    I give my consent to have my personal data processed for the the needs of contacts in order to present an offer for translations by LANCELOT Translation Office Ltd ul. Pszowska 441g, 44-370 Pszów, KRS: 0000723368, NIP [TAX ID]: 6472582024, pursuant to the Law of 29 September1997 on Personal Data Protection (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883 and pursuant to the provisions resulting from Article 13 (1) and (2) of Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 [GDPR].

    ul. Pszowska 441 g, 44-370 Pszów
    +48 602 115 402, 32 455 92 06